Logo Poêles Mélèze

Augmented reality

Display your future fireplace at home

A Mélèze stove in your house ?

realite augmentee poele de masse

Make yourself aware of its size, volume, floor space... See it from top to bottom, up close or far away !

It's easy : you don't need to download an app, just clic on the QR codes on our website or scan them with your phone and let the magic happen.

You can display our fireplaces everywhere in your home, see how it fits in your decoration and dream about warm evenings.

This experience is immersive and playful and enable to take an educated decision on your project.

Together, let's build a warm atmosphere that will turn your house in a true gentle cocoon

Clic or scan and... display!

Fireplace PM800 Earth

Fireplace PM800 Sand

Fireplace PM600 Sand

Fireplace PM600 Earth